Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Taters Precious

Well all I have been craving recently has been starchy foods....James says it is because it is his baby.

Flash file from Albino Blacksheep Website

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Week Nine

Well I tossed my cookies for the first time yesterday. I guess morning sickness is officially here. This is what is going on with the baby this week:

"This week, your baby-to-be grows to between 20 and 28 millimeters from crown to rump, or about an inch. Weighing in at one gram, your baby is very active, although you can't feel its movements. He or she now has all the major organs, muscles and nerves. A Doppler may be able to identify the heartbeat. While testes and ovaries are formed, external genitalia appear sexless, which is why it is too early for an ultrasound to reveal gender. Eyelids are beginning to form and the trunk is straightening and elongating."

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Face of Jesus in Ultrasound

James sent this article to me yesterday, and I thought I would share it will all of you.

Face of Jesus seen in baby scan

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

First Ultrasound Scheduled

So James and I will be heading to see Dr. Hannon on September 1st for our first glimpse of our little one. That is only ten days away! I was reading about 3D ultrasounds, they seem really neat, but I doubt they have the equipment here to do those.

Last night when James was home for dinner he said he was going to run by Wal-Mart on his way home from work and asked if I needed anything. I asked for mint chocolate chip frozen yogurt. For some reason the mint helps with my nausea. Not only did he bring my ice cream, he brought me flowers too! What a sweetie.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

8 Weeks Pregnant

Well it is already week eight, or six weeks gestation. According to iVillage, here is what is happening with the baby:

"Your baby's head is quite big, due to the rapid growth of the brain. The upper limbs resemble paddles. Your baby-to-be's heart begins to separate into four chambers, and blood is circulating throughout the body. Intestines form within the umbilical cord, but will later migrate back into the abdominal cavity. In the next few days, foot plates, with the beginnings of toe rays, will appear. The external ears are now present. Your baby is now 10 to 13 millimeters long -- about the size of a cherry. The cells that will become either testes or ovaries arrive, but there is no obvious sign of gender yet. Muscle contractions are beginning, but these early "movements" are not yet perceptible."

As for me, I feel bloated, nauseous, and tired. Although all I seem to want to do is sleep, I'm getting tired of being at home. I'm going a bit stir crazy since I am not working all those hours at the library anymore. I've been afraid of how I will handle student teaching with morning (really all-day) sickness, but I really want to get started.

Birth of a Blog

Well if you haven't heard the news yet, James and I are expecting our first child! I thought that a blog would be a great way to keep friends and family informed with the latest developments about our little bundle of joy on the way. So look here for pictures and updates!